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Balance your diet with Pure Greens

Balance your diet with Pure Greens

Here are some usage tips and a drink recipe that will help you get the most out of Pure Greens.

Here's a little recipe to have the most complete and nutritious drink: 
1-2 servings of All Natural Isolate Whey Protein or New Zealand Whey Protein
1 serving of Pure Greens
1 teaspoon coconut oil
½-1 cup frozen berries

Pure Greens can be taken more than once during the day with or without protein. Be aware, however, that it is preferable to favor green vegetables. The use of Greens sticks and powder are essential in your quest for health and physical performance.

Pure Greens from ProteinCo is a balanced formula of Greens and the ingredients that make it up are organic. Essential for someone who cannot eat enough fresh, organic greens.

The beneficial effect of Pure Greens powder results in an improved ability of the body to alkalize. The blood pH will not be affected by taking Greens, it is modulated very strictly. On the other hand, urine and kidneys will benefit from alkalinization and some studies favor more alkaline urine in the morning to prevent certain kidney diseases.

Green vegetables and Pure Greens powder are essential for adequate nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide is linked to several vital functions in humans; vasodilator (muscle pump, erection), microbicide, neurotransmitter, muscle relaxant and others.

So, whether it's to fill your daily intake of green vegetables or simply to replace them, Pure Greens powder is ideal for everyone. 

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